Fall Prevention Services in the OKC Metro

Live a Safer, More Stable Life

Falls can lead to severe injuries, decreased mobility, and a lower quality of life. At Next Level Physical Therapy, we offer comprehensive fall prevention services to help you navigate your world with confidence.

What is Fall Prevention?

Fall prevention is not just about avoiding slips and trips; it's a multi-faceted approach to improving your balance, strength, and stability. Our services are designed to help you maintain your independence while minimizing the risk of falls.

How We Can Help

Led by our experienced physical therapists, our Fall Prevention program offers an array of tests and exercises that are designed to strengthen your muscles, improve your balance, and increase your overall stability. Whether you have a history of falls or are worried about the risk, Next Level Physical Therapy has a personalized plan for you.

Patient and doctor looking at fall prevention screen

Treatment Plan

Step 1.

An in-depth evaluation to determine your risk factors for falls.

Step 1 graphic with paper checklist and pencil

Step 2.

A targeted set of exercises and lifestyle modifications designed to reduce your risk.

Step 2 graphic with hands and holding heart

Step 3.

Frequent check-ins to assess your progress and adapt the strategy as necessary.

Step 3 graphic with medical calendar

Don’t let the fear of falling hold you back.

Take the first step towards a safer, more stable life.